Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Pictures From the Brighton Family Dental Holiday Party 2013!

Brighton Family Dental just had our 2013 Holiday Party. Check out some pictures taken of our friendly staff!

Brighton Family Dental Group
861 Brighton Rd
Tonawanda, NY 14150
(716) 836-4590

Monday, August 12, 2013

Quick tip to reduce cavities by as much as 70%...

Sealants are clear or white plastic coatings that are applied to the surface of the permanent teeth.  If you have ever noticed, your teeth are not flat, they have pits and grooves.  These pits are more susceptible to bacteria causing decay.
Most dentists recommend sealants be applied as soon as the permanent teeth come in.  Children receive the most benefit from having sealants applied to newly erupted teeth.  Each tooth takes only a few minutes to be sealed.
To apply a sealant, a liquid or gel is placed to the top surface of the tooth.  This liquid is washed and the tooth is dried.  The plastic coating is then applied and harded with a blue light.
The entire process is painless and easy for children.  The American Dental Association states that sealants play an important role in prevention of tooth decay.  Research has shown that sealants can reduce cavities by as much as 70%.  The sealants last from 2-5 years and can be redone when necessary.

Brighton Family Dental Group
861 Brighton Rd
Tonawanda, NY 14150
(716) 836-4590 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Congratulations Dr Stacey Scheff

Brighton Family Dental Group is proud to celebrate the recent graduation of Dr Stacey Scheff from the UB Dental School

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Tooth is Loose

Dr. Isaac Schour and Dr. Maury Massler wrote a paper in 1941 called “The Development of the Human Dentition.” Not much has changed as far as the sequence of tooth eruption.
Babies have to contend with the pain as the new teeth break through the gums.  As each tooth comes in, the gums become very irritated and inflamed. A cold teething ring may help reduce the pain.
Eruption times (time when teeth come in) vary in children even within the same family.  The bottom front teeth are usually the first to come in at around 8-12 months.  The other baby teeth come in over time all the way until age 3.
The soreness in the gums does not only happen in infants but as we lose our baby teeth.  Older children can usually take the pain when baby teeth come out because they are rewarded by the tooth fairy.  The first primary (baby) teeth fall out about age 6, again this varies in children.  As the jaws grow, the baby teeth roots dissolve from the pressure of the permanent teeth coming in.  This process continues into the teenage years.  If a primary tooth is lost too early, either from decay or trauma, a space maintainer may be recommended to prevent crowding so the permanent tooth can take its rightful place.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dental Bonding: Low Cost Way To Fix Discolored Teeth?

Many of our Buffalo, NY dental patients ask us for a full range of options when it comes to improving discolored teeth.  While the best option can be crowns or ceramic veneers some patients are looking for a more cost effective approach.

We tell our patients looking for an inexpensive, conservative way to improve the coloration of their teeth to consider dental bonding.  Dental bonding simply takes a resin substance and molds or bonds it to teeth to improve spaces, shape of teeth, or color issues.  When dental bonding is used to improve discolored teeth the results can be quite noticeable!

When selecting the resin the dentist will aim to match the color of the existing teeth so that the newly bonded tooth plays nicely with your other teeth.

Unsure whether dental bonding, dental crowns, or ceramic veneers are right for you?  Schedule an appointment with Brighton Family Dent
als knowledgeable staff today at (716 836-4590!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Got Gaps or Spaces Between Your Teeth in Buffalo, NY?

Many people have spaces and/or gaps between their teeth and have learned to live with them.  But while your friends might tell you they give you “character”, you wish they could experience the inconvenience of food getting caught between their teeth or embarrassment at smiling for family photos.
  The truth is that there is no need to live with gaps between your teeth if you don’t want to!  Brighton Family Dental in Tonawanda, NY helps Buffalo patients all the time close the gap!  

  A common dental solution for spaces between teeth is dental bonding.  Dental bonding is a simple, relatively inexpensive procedure that can be as quick as 30-60 minutes per tooth!  

How Dental Bonding To Close Spaces Between Teeth Works

  • The dentist selects a resin that matches your current teeth
  • The tooth to be worked on will have a liquid applied to it to help the resin bond to the tooth
  • The resin is then shaped and applied to the mouth
  • A laser light hardens the resin and strengthens it

Are You Ready For A New Smile?

Call Brighton Family Dental at 861 Brighton Rd Tonawanda, NY 14150 today at (716) 836-4590 to schedule an appointment.  We’ll review your current teeth to find out if dental bonding is right for you!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Looking to get your teeth 7 to 8 shades whiter in Buffalo, NY?!

     Brighton Family Dental recommends the Ultradent Opalescense Custom Tray Whitening Process!  This is the real deal.  First the patient comes to Brighton Family Dental in Tonawanda, Ny for a 1 hour appointment where a custom tray is made for the patient.  At this time the tray is filled with a special peroxide gel and then applied to the teeth by the dentist.
   Afterwards the patient uses the custom tray at home daily for a 2 week period.  At the end of the process the discolored, stained teeth should be 7-8 shades lighter!  The custom tray ensures that the whitening gel is applied properly to the teeth by the dentist and this process will get even better results than off the shelf solutions.
  This is also a process we recommend for those who want the best professional application option supervised by a dentist.
Looking to start 2013 with a whiter smile?  

The professional procedure costs only $350.00!  Schedule an appointment in the Buffalo, NY area at Brighton Family Dental at (716) 836-4590.